Step One: Location
As the picture above depicts, the first step toward successful meditation is choosing a peaceful and pleasant location. It doesn't have to be a private beach on the ocean or a mountain retreat. You may decide to meditate in a quiet room of your house, at a local park, or even in your car while parked in a quiet undisturbed location. The important thing is that whatever place you choose be free from outside interference.

Step Two: Position
All experts on meditation seem to agree that posture is an important factor to consider when meditating. A sitting position with the back straight is usually suggested. Then, place your arms comfortably at your sides or resting on your legs.

Step Three: Mantra
Choose a word. Any word composed of vowels and consonants with two or three syllables is preferred. In the Hindu faith this is called a "mantra." It literally means a 'word of power'. It should be a word that when spoken to yourself invokes within you a feeling of peace and security. This is the thought you will need to block out all other negative thoughts when you meditate.

Step Four: Focus
Once you have chosen your mantra and have it in mind, focus all your attention on that one thought. Dismiss all thoughts that cause disturbance within you. Dismiss anger, fear, regret. You can feel your body relax when the negative thoughts disolve. Be aware of your breathing which should be slow and rhythmical. Sometimes it helps to breath in the first syllable of your mantra and blow out the second to a slow and steady rhythm.

Step Five: Maintain focus
Once you have entered the meditative state, continue to focus on the mantra and on your breathing for as long as you wish. Whenever a negative thought attempts to break in, rely on your mantra to resist it. If all these steps have been followed, you will be experiencing a peaceful state of mind and a feeling of well-being.

How to proceed
Make time
Approach with positive mind-set
Must be alone
Choose a peaceful place and eliminate distractions.
Focus on positive thought (mantra)
Be aware of breathing
Benefits of meditation
Better physical, mental, and emotional health
A Healthier Outlook On Life
Relief From Anxiety
General Feeling Of Calm

Pitfalls to successful meditation
Wrong choice of locations
Too much outside interference
Doing drugs or alcohol while attempting to meditate
Assuming the wrong position one that is either uncomfortable or one that is much too comfortable
Losing focus by trying to figure out how it works
Trying too hard to meditate properly
Trying too hard to make it work

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Learn to heal yourself and others through natural methods using simple techniques. Music, Crystals, Herbs, Chi, Meditation and much more can heal or control any problems, mental and physical.
